Saturday, March 26, 2011

Look a little closer...

When it comes down to it, this whole project isn't just about trying to be the best or trying to have the best design or whatever.  It's about learning.  Looking and seeing, and learning from other designers - and as we were told - from each other. 

Walk into a book shop and look around (you don't need to convince me, I could live in a book shop...of course, it wouldn't last very long.  You can't eat books.  I learnt that the hard way...).

How are the books arranged?, how are they displayed?, what kind of book covers grab you and pull you and make you look at them a little closer - basically, what makes a design good? Concepts, wit, typography, colour, brilliant photographs; there are lots of reasons for something to really work.  Here are some designs that have caught my eye over the past week...

This book is called 'The Next Page'

(I think I'm in love with this...)

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