Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fear and loathing

Fear.  Fear and deadlines do not mix.  And fear and art certainly never will.  When you're afraid you can't think, you can't create, and you can't be all that you can be.  But if you're afraid and you don't really know that you're afraid - well then it's goodbye ambition, hello disappointment.

I'm not trying to be a poster girl for self-depreciation, I mean, I've never been that.  But for the first couple of days I couldn't think of anything. Nada. I had no ideas, whatsoever.

So I quietly stuck to my desk; I researched the word, wrote it and re-wrote it, broke it up, turned it upside down, wrapped it around itself...and it wasn't until the mid-week presentation that I realised - I haven't done that much at all.  VisCom isn't about sitting in a studio writing words, it's about concepts and ideas and pushing the boat out as far as it can go.  For years I thought Sculpture and Graphic Design were polar opposites, but now I see that they are two sides of the same coin.  They are both based, in some form or another, on conceptual thinking, on innovation and a willingness to travel far beyond that infamous box that keeps us tethered to the ground.


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