Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Final Hurdle

For this Final Project of first year in LSAD, which just so happened to be an advertising campaign, I choose to promote Irish Inland Waterways (God knows why, I mean, I can't even swim...).

Here are my finished Billboard and T-shirt designs: Billboards





And as for the freebie, my idea was tiny bottles of water with a label that states: Free Water, Love Me but Don't Drink Me! 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New Brief: Positive Ireland

Positive Ireland.  Sounds easy, huh? Trust me, it's not.  For the first week or so I was having some serious trouble with this one.  It felt like I was jumping from idea to idea, but having no real concept behind any of it. 
What am I trying to promote? What is my message? - I had to keep asking myself these questions.  Before I could solve the problem, I had to understand it.

I did brainstorm after brainstorm (it's always good to get everything out of the head first..). Here are just a few:

Eventually I decided on promoting Ireland through its inland waterways...a little dull? Maybe.  But I'm pretty sure there's a way of making it interesting (and positive...and Irish...somehow :-D)

My message: Ireland has great inland waterways, use them!!!

So, thumbnail time...
(Trying to be quirky with the imagery here, but I really don't think its working)
I think these thumbnails don't really work as billboards.  I need a Copyline here, something good and catchy.  Also I think I need to make it clear what I'm trying to promote. 

You can't bottle what we got

What can people do on the waterways?
(I'll focus on 4 main activities, maybe doing a series of billboards)
Fishing - Swimming - Rowing - Sailing